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Offers a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way - about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal.

Call 116 123 from any uk line.

LGBTQ Switchboard

 The LGBTQ + helpline Switchboard - Call 0300 330 0630

Youth Advice Centre (YAC)

Has drop in sessions to provide young people with impartial advice and information on a wide range of issues


 Domestic Violence helpline:

Call 0300 323 9985 

Clock Tower Sanctuary

Day centre for young homeless people 16-25

call: 01273 722353

Survivors Network

Supporting Survivors of sexual violence and abuse in Sussex

Sussex Mental Healthline

A telephone service providing 24 hour support and information to anyone experiencing mental health problems including stress, anxiety and depression -  Call 0300 5000 101

Right Here Brighton & Hove

A health and wellbeing project for 11-25 year olds based in Brighton


Offers emotional support and information from 6pm–11pm.

Call 0300 304 7000


Works to promote good mental health 

Call: 01273 66 69 50


Drug & Alcohol support service

call: 01273 931700


Sussex based support for men who have been affected by unwanted sexual experiences

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